Monday, 22 May 2017

Goths v Romans To the Strongest game

I've always enjoyed playing these  rules as they are pretty easy to pick up which is a big plus with me. It also gives Dave a chance to get some of his excellent collection on the table. 

The Roman stats were quite generous so i took the Romans along with Dave. Tom and Carl were the Goths

Gothic Army

Roman Army

Roman commander.

Goth CinC 

Roman left flank

Roman centre

The Romans advance

Goth right flank advances towards the Roman left.

While the Romans make the running on their right.

The centre.

Gothic cavalry try to outflank the Romans.

The red dice denotes a casualty.

The centers clash.

It all looks good for the Goths(top)

The Goths lose a unit of cavalry and Roman infantry occupy the ground on the left in front of their cavalry.

The Goths attack Roman cavalry 

Which fall back, the Goths occupy the ground.

The blach dice shows the Romans have used their Pila, one casualty on the Goth base from the archers.

The Legionaries finish them off.

and occupy the ground.

The Roman right draws some good cards.

Another Goth unit is eliminated.

In the Goth turn their cavalry on their left flank attack the Romans but fail to score a hit. The Romans hit back and inflict a second hit eliminating the Gothic unit

On the other flank they defeat a Roman unit which is hit in its flank

The Goths all have hits though.

The Roman centre is holding.

Another Gothic cavalry unit is destroyed

The Goths have lost several units with the centre collapsing following several failed tests in response to a unit being destroyed.earning the Romans their final victory points.

Another enjoyable game of To the Strongest but i would say that being on the Roman side!!




  1. Looks like a great game! I love what Dave has done with the Late Romans in particular, I can recognise many on the units from the Notitia.

  2. Wonderful looking game, these units are really superb (love the Gothic cavalry!)...Well done!

  3. The Goths have lost several units with the centre collapsing following several failed tests in response to a unit being destroyed : no such tests in TTS, you must get mixed up with another game


    1. Hi Alex; no there are new "rout tests" in the free "Even Stronger" supplement. It's a fun rule- as long as one can make a save!

    2. It helps that you get 2 saves!
