Saturday 27 October 2018

New 28mm European buildings

These buildings can be used across Europe and are also good for use with our Normandy range.
They are supplied as prepainted kits and can be used to form a terrace or as stand alone buildings. A range of coloured frontages will be made available for most of them to replicate the fashion for colourful exteriors found in many towns and cities.

15cm x 12 x 26

An example of a building with the coloured front and back added.

The same building without the coloured card.

15cm x 12 x 22

This model is based on a picture of a building  in Essling at the end of the 19th century'

18cm x 12 x 14

15cm x 12 x14

An Austrian column marches through town.

All rooks come off and the floors come out.

Available on the website 28mm European

More in this range soon.


Wednesday 17 October 2018

10mm and 28mm new releases Pre painted kits.

New releases for our 10mm Modern Sci fi, & Old West and Normandy ranges

First up is a Doctors house for our Old West/ACW range.

The roof and first floors are removeable.

Arow of small workshops for Normandy or Europe generally.

All roofs come off separately.

Modern/Sci Fy office block.

The roof is removeable.


Sunday 7 October 2018

Ready made range.

We are launching a ready made section on our website. This will give customers the opportunity to buy our models ready to go straight onto the wargames table leaving more time for painting figures.

Many of these will be different from the kits with different colours than usual and mirror images of some models. Other details may also be added. Models will be supplied dry brushed.

Unless other wise stated the model in the picture will be the actual one for purchase.

I can also take orders through the Blog using the comments box. I will send a paypal invoice with p&p 

28mm Old West Wells Fargo office £40

28mm Old West Laundry £30

28mm Old West Carpenter £28.00

28mm Old West Marshalls office £35

28mm Ruined European building £30

28mm Normandy pair of shops. £40

28mm ruined Normandy building B £25

28mm ruined Normandy building C £30

First releases in the range

These can be found on our website here.