Sunday 29 July 2018

28mm Essling granary Prepainted kit

The Granary Building Battle of Aspern-Essling, 1809

The first model in our new Central Europe range is the famous Granary building from the village of Essling. Having been fortified by the French the granary played a key role in the defence of the village and was subjected to many attacks during the battle. The village and the granary were finally vacated by the French when they retreated to Lobou at the end of the second day of the battle.

The walls are made from 4mm MDF while the remaining parts are made from 2mm MDF and mountboard. All visible parts are prepainted.

Perry/Victrix figures shown for scale,

Dimensions- 29.5 x 19 x 21cm

This model is available now on the website here-28mm Central Europe



Sunday 8 July 2018

Fences and Casualty Markers

We have added some fence sets to the website, the first is a plank fence sold as a set of 10. Each fence is 15cm(6 inches approx)

They can be left 'dirty'

or wiped clean of the laser burn marks.

Picket fence 15cm sold in packs of 10

Fence piece for picket fence.

Selection of our new ready to use casualty markers  sold as shown. 

Round ones 1-10 and the rectangular 1-20. 

For best effects these can be textured to match figure bases with foliage, battlefield debris or casualty figures.



Thursday 5 July 2018

15mm and 20mm Normandy Farm Prepainted kits

I have downscaled the 28mm Normandy farm to 15mm and 20mm and they are now available on the website.

20mm with Britannia 20mm figures

15mm farmhouse front with FOW figures

29mm farmhouse rear



15mm set

As usual roof sections come off and floors are removeablw.


28mm Old WestACW Livery stable and covered bridge prepainted kits.

A couple of new releases for our Old West and ACW range of prepainted kits.

Livery stable-28cm x 21cm x 13.5cm

Waggon and buggy parking area and inner walkway. Partitions for horses can be seen on the ground floor. The walkway is removeable. A ladder is also supplied to access this walkway.

28mm figures for scale

The model has had a bit of weathering applied.

Typical American covered bridge. These could be found all over North America and provide some additional variety to any table.
30cm x 9.7cm x 12cm

A unit of Perry cavalry crossing the bridge.

These models can be found for sale on our website here-
