Well the truth is i have built and painted plenty of 20mm tanks over the years, albeit not for a long time, and a few 15mm ones too. I have never put too much effort into weathering them but jumping up a scale meant i wanted to put a bit more effort into them.
I was looking for a dirty appearance which suggests the tanks had actually been used in anger rather than a clean newly painted look. I mean, how long would that have lasted anyway?
Next step was to learn some techniques to get the required look i was after. Enter Youtube. Now this is,as most probably know, a great resource for picking up tips from people who actually know what they are doing and are eager to pass on their knowledge.
These are from the Bolt Action German Army ,Tanks, starter set which contains 3 Tigers and 3 Panthers. The British set has just arrived and will be tackled after the 3 Tigers.
For a first effort i'm quite pleased with the way they have turned out. I will be trying some additional techniques on the Tigers.
Panther 121
Too much wear on the front hatches on this one.
Panther 122
A nice scruffy rear end!
The top of the turret could do with more scratches as it would be heavily used by the crew climbing into the vehicle.
Panther 123
It's easy to do missing side armour plates on these models.
The wear on the hatches on this one is much better.
An American soldier (1st Corps miniatures i think) sticks his head out for a look.
Next up the 3 Tigers.