Friday 30 November 2018

Phalanx v Legion

We played this game quite a few weeks ago so this will have mostly pictures with not too many comments. Memory is not what it used to be!

We used Hail Caesar for this dust up between Macedonian Successors and Roman Republicans. I purchased the Macedonian army from a club member and had high hopes for them in their first battle as a single army  having previously only been split into 2 for a battle of the Successors.

Macedonian right wing, Companion cavalry ready to smash the Roman left and sweep victoriously around the rear of the Roman centre and soften them up for the Phalanx to finish the job.

The 2 armies face off, how could those pikemen possibly lose?

The left wing whose job was to hold the Roman right in check while the Companions mashed the Roman cavalry before them and buttered up the centre for the pikes. This is going to be a cakewalk. Did i mention i commanded the Macedonians by the way?

A bunch of Romans with puny little sticks for weapons.

And trying to look hard in their maniples!

As if Romans know how to use elephants!

Our Elephants are bigger than yours, prepare for a hard earned lesson, Roman scum!

Just look at those bloody pikes man!

The first part of the plan gets underway. The Companions sweep forward in style.

Skirmish cavalry butter up some Roman cavalry ready for the Companions.

the centres advance.

Let lessons begin!

Well this should be easy....

Well half right at least, a 1-1 draw i think.

Battle continues on the Macedonian right

Something seems to have gone wrong!!!! Where have all the Companions gone?

It's barbecue sticks v toothpicks here, this should be a doddle!

Same for the left centre

The left wing.

One of the Kamikaze chariots has done its bit here leaving one left.

Tough as old boots, the elephants start to take hits.

Lesson not going quite to plan!

Back to the main event, surely this can't go wrong!

Weren't there  two there before?

What's gannin (Translation- gannin-Geordie slang for going) on here like? Losing all the elephants wasn't in the plan!

Guess it's  down to the boys in the centre to save the day.

This is no longer funny!

The remaining chariot gets stuck in.

while the cavalry clash.

Hmmm that's a temping gap in the line, my line!

Looks a bit more even here. Can the glory boys with the barbecue sticks save the day before they are enveloped and taken from behind?

Looks like a piece of cake really, they're only Romans after all. I mean, what have the Romans ever taught us about winning a battle?

The death or glory boys on the left wing do their bit.

Still not looking too bad here.

The right wing, however, well the less said about that the better. At least the commander chose to take the honourable way out, hopefully with a Roman javelin inserted into a very painful spot!

The death or glory boys chose death leaving a sole infantry unit to protect the flank and rear of the Phalanx.

The lads in the middle decided against being taken from behind, quite unusual for your average hunky Macedonian, and decided to leg it.

Anyone in the market for a barely used Macedonian army?????? Going cheap, honest!

Thanks for enjoying my suffering.


Wednesday 28 November 2018

15mm farm and 20mm normandy

Some new releases for our 15mm and 20mm Normandy ranges. Sold as prepainted kits these come with removeable roofs and floors.

20mm figures are Britannia shown for scale.

Block of 2 shops

3 storey house inspired by a house in St Lo, Normandy

Normandy ruined farm. Available as a set of 3 or as individual models.

Figures shown are Flames of War 15mm WW2.




These will be on the website on Thursday 29th September.
